Keep Winter Fuel Payments for 20,000 local pensioners

Local MP Alan Mak launched a petition calling on the Labour Government to drop their plan to remove the Winter Fuel Payment from up to 20,000 local pensioners. Please sign Alan's petition below. 

Pensioners in the Havant Constituency will lose between £200 and £300 annually to help with their heating bills during the winter, if Labour MPs back the plan.

Alan will vote against the Labour Government's plan at every opportunity in Parliament, and is asking local residents to support his campaign if they agree that local pensioners should not be punished by having their Winter Fuel Payment taken away. 

Alan said, ““The Labour Government is wrong to scrap the Winter Fuel Payment for around 20,000 local pensioners and 10 million pensioners across the country. Please sign my petition to show your support for our local pensioners, and send a clear message to the Labour Government that they must drop their policy."



7 September 2024: Alan will vote against the Labour Government's plan to remove the Winter Fuel Payment from up to 20,000 local pensioners


Winter Fuel Payments Petition - Please sign below to support local pensioners

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